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Giant fish bites mermaid performer’s head in front of screaming children, terrifying video shows

VIDEO GRAB: Flounder vs. Ariel! A mermaid performer was attacked by a giant fish while swimming in China’s Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park aquarium. Spectators gasped in horror as the fish wrapped its jaws around the head Masha, a 22-year-old Russian performer. She was reportedly offered $96 in “moral damages” after the bite and forbidden to speak out about the incident.The freshwater aquarium displays Mekong and Yangtze River native species, as well as rare amphibians. However, the type of fish was not specified in the reports on the attack.

The Russian aquatic artist, identified only as Masha, was swimming in a tank at the Xishuangbanna Primitive Forest Park in southern China on Tuesday when she swam in the path of the beast, according to The Daily Mail.

The fish bites down on Masha, 22, nearly fitting her whole head in its mouth while children and other spectators yell in horror, the clip shows.

Masha fights back and is able to free herself from the fish, which ripped off her goggles, before swimming quickly to the surface.

The performer suffered head, neck and eye injuries, according to Russian media reports, which published photos of her bruised and cut-up face.

Masha claims her employer forced her back in the water despite being in pain and warned her not to share footage of the attack, but the clip quickly went viral on Douyin – the Chinese-language version of TikTok.

They paid her less than $100 in compensation, she claimed.

Reports did not indicate what kind of fish was involved, however the freshwater aquarium holds native species from the Mekong and Yangtze Rivers, according to The Daily Mail.

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