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Heartbroken father of loving 16-year-old girl murdered in Nashville school shooting sobs: ‘It’s not fair’

“Every day I told her how much I loved her,” Josselin Corea Escalante’s grieving father, German Corea, told WTVF in Spanish.

Corea said he never thought when he sent his daughter off to school Wednesday it would be the last time he would see the soccer-loving daughter he called “daddy’s little girl.”

“It’s not fair,” he said, sniffing away tears.

Josselin was shot multiple times by ROTC cadet Solomon Henderson, 17, who then shot himself dead after also wounding another girl in the cafeteria at Antioch High School.

Police are investigating whether she was targeted by Henderson, who praised Adolf Hitler and wrote about being an incel — someone unable to attract people — because he was a “worthless subhuman, a living breathing disgrace.”

Josselin’s aunt described her as a daddy’s girl and loving older sister, who worked hard in school and played soccer.

“She was a very calm girl and well-behaved,” Maria Corea said. “She had good grades in school. She was a girl who loved her parents and all her family.”

Investigators were poring through Henderson’s troubling online footprint, where he reportedly espoused racial and antisemitic content.

In Henderson’s disturbing social media musings, obtained by WTVT, he wrote that he  “was ashamed to be Black.”

“What happens on the incel forums … is that people of color are told the only reason they’re incels is because of their color and so it pushes them toward other extreme ideology that he apparently took on,” ADL representative Carla Hill told The Post Wednesday night.

Henderson posted antisemitic content and posted a flyer from the Goyim Defense League — a neo-Nazi white supremacy group — and praised Adolf Hitler. Additional writings reported by The Tennessean included statements against “race-mixing” with a desire to “take revenge” on society.

He praised other mass shooters and had images of a layout of his high school, guns and ammunition.

Henderson partially livestreamed the shooting on the Australian platform Kick, according to the company, which apologized.

He praised other mass shooters and had images of a layout of his high school, guns and ammunition.


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