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U-Haul driver fatally shot — and cops find van packed with marijuana

A 43-year-old man was shot dead in Queens early Thursday morning and left hanging out of a U-Haul van packed with marijuana, police and law enforcement sources said.

Cops responding to a 911 call shortly after 1 am found the unidentified victim with a gunshot wound to the head in front of 32-32 208 St. — and “half-hanging” out of the rental vehicle filled with marijuana.

The victim was pronounced dead at the scene.

A second man at the scene of the slaying, a 21-year-old, told police that thugs stole his cell phone.

It is unclear if the two incidents are related and the NYPD is investigating the incident.

No arrests have been made in the case.

The NYPD has been cracking down on illegal pot shops in recent months as the illegal weed peddlers have popped up throughout the five boroughs and operating without official licenses.

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